5 Easy Steps to Get Your Blogging Game on Full Groove

5 Easy Steps to Get Your Blogging Game on Full Groove

Blogging can be a very useful tool for expressing your views as well as to market your brand and even to convey a lot of information in the most sharable and effective way. Now, with the digital revolution and WordPress being accessible from your mobile devices from your app, it has become quite easy to even start blogging and getting the response you aim to achieve. Now, if you are planning to start blogging for the first time, then it is natural that you get daunted when you think of getting into the groove. But fret not. Take a look at the following steps to get it started and get surprising results from your blogs.

Choose A Category

When you are a passionate writer and planning to start blogging, it can get overwhelming to decide what you want to write about. You might feel like writing about anything and everything that you find interesting. But when you are planning to get more audience and trying to monetize, think of selecting a specific category that can get you more audience. Do your research-and-study analysis about the topics you think of writing on and zero on one.

Find a Domain and Choose a Hosting Provider

Now, when you are planning to start blogging, it is actually safe to assume that you are going for a complete website. For that choose your domain. Get your clear idea about a domain, domain registrar and hosting company and getting tool to build your website. Choose a name that will resonate with your ideas and if you are a brand, then go with that name itself. Now, your job is to find a hosting provider. It is the company that will host the domain for you. They will store your site on the server and build its visibility for everyone.

Install WordPress, Plugins and Choose Theme

When you are starting a blog, it is necessary for you to have a content management system or CMS. For that, opt for the best option, WordPress. As WordPress is so easy to install, manage and optimize, 30% of all websites rely on the WordPress platform. So, get it done quickly. The next step for you will be to choose the theme. It will decide the look and feel of your blog. There are hundreds of free themes you can choose from. For more customization and functionality, you can get the paid themes too. Now, to add some extra functionality that will ensure more sell-ability of your blog, you can choose plugins for WordPress. Akismet, Yoast SEO, Contact Form 7, WP Super Cache and many more plugins are available for you.

Install Google Analytics

If you are thinking that Google Analytics can be really overwhelming for you, then you are right. It can be. So, for a beginner in blogging, there is no need to dig in deep too much. Just try to figure out how your target audience is responding to your website and the keywords you have chosen. With that data, you can try and curate your topic easily.

Set Email List

Sooner or later, you have to find a platform or a channel that will help you get the reliable and consistent flow of the audience regularly. For that, email marketing can be your best bet. So, when you are planning to start blogging and keep the audience glued to your posts and simultaneously, increase the engagement, create your email list. Use the data you get from Google Analytics and start working on the email list that you can utilize for regular newsletter with updates and Slinks of your blog.

So, now as you know about these five steps that can make you a blogger on the groove with consistent results, what are you waiting for? Follow these steps and start your journey as a blogger today.


Are you going to start with blogging and wondering how you can become a successful one with high reach and more audience on your site? Read the blog for step by step guide that can help you to get what you want.


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